How to access Neon, Software Center, Softphone, License Server and Updates via Ivanti VPN Client

1. Requirements
Valid client certificate from HZI-PKI:

If you do not have a valid client certificate (e.g. using private hardware or your certificate has expired)
these features are not available for you.  You get a warning, but will be able to use VPN, but without the features described in chapter 5 of this document.
2. Ivanti VPN-Client
Check, if Ivanti is installed on your homeoffice device. You need a version >
If you still have version or lower, please reinstall Ivanti as described in chapter 3.

3. Installation of Ivanti VPN-Client and Ivanti Application Launcher
   a) If you have already access to the Software Center, install from there (Fig.3a ,Mac: Fig. 3b)

   b) If you do not have access to the Software Center, install from (Fig. 3c)

Fig. 3a

Fig. 3b

Fig. 3c

4. Using Ivanti VPN-Client

a) If you already use Ivanti VPN-Client exclusively ( e.g. you do not use functions from the 
webinterface) go to chapter 5 .

b) If you use the webinterface ( for example to access 
you PC or the terminalserver, login as usual (Fig. 4b1).
Start Ivanti by clicking the button -Start- at section -Client Application Sessions-.
The VPN tunnel will be started and you can see a symbol with a green arrow in the taskbar (Fig. 4b2/4b3).
You can right-click that symbol and open a menu for disconnecting the tunnel or suspending the tunnel 
for easier reconnection at later time (this may be handy for example, if you start a Zoom session
during that period).

Fig. 4b1

Fig. 4b2

Fig. 4b3

5. Software Center and Neon

When the tunnel is up (green arrow), you are able to access the Software Center as you are used to from inside the HZI-network.
You can also use Neon directly in you applications, for example in the file explorer (Fig.5a/5b).

Fig. 5a

Fig. 5b

6. Windows Updates and Certificate Renewal

Even if you do not need the features described in chapter 5, it is recommended to start the VPN-tunnel 
from time to time (at least for 1 hour). This will provide you with windows updates and will update your
certificate, if required. This increases the security of your client and prevents from situations, where
you have to bring your computer to HZI after a longer time in homeoffice or elsewhere outside the HZI-network.